Coq au Vin

Coq au Vin

Artist: Raoul Martinez
Date: 25 January 2017
Media: Japanese vermillion ink stick on pergamenata
Script: Fraktur
Dimensions: 16.5″ x 19.5″ (41.91 cm x 49.53 cm)
Source: Recette de Coq au Vin Maison – Marmiton (

The night before: marinate the cock: Put it in a large salad bowl with the onions and the carrots. Pour in the wine, add the bouquet garni and the peppercorns.
Cover and let marinate overnight in the refrigerator (or all day if it will be prepared that evening.)
The day of the dinner: drain the pieces of cock and the vegetables, wipe them dry with paper towels.
Filter the marinade and reserve.
Heat the oil in a pot, throw in the pieces of cock and brown them well on all sides.
Take them out of the pot once browned, and replace them with the vegetables. Sauter them at low heat for 5 minutes. Sprinkle them with flour and stir them to coat the vegetables well.
Put the pieces of cock back into the pot, add the crushed cloves of garlic. Heat up the cognac, pour it in and flamber it.
Pour the wine from the marinade over everything, add the veal broth, and salt and pepper it. Bring to a boil, then cover and reduce the heat. Let simmer for 2 1/2 hours at low heat.
Mince the mushrooms. Brown them in a frying pan with the diced bacon for about 5 – 10 min.. Add them to the pot 15 minutes before serving. Taste and adjust the seasoning.

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12 Responses to Coq au Vin

  1. Raoul A. Martinez says:

    That’s neat Raoul. I like not only your special calligraphy, but the great recipe. It sounds delicious.


  2. Jayfrie says:

    Oh and I can’t wait to taste this cock dish. It is my birth year you know. 😜


  3. Carlos says:

    Very beautiful! Lovely texts.


  4. Sylvia Carrington says:

    Omg, this sounds divine! I’m going to make it, thank you for sharing…and such beautiful artwork! Merci!


  5. Douglas Montgomery says:

    A work of meticulous clarity in a type face unique for both its dark, dense style and dark, dense political history. Napoleon would not approve.


  6. Marie-Pierre Lagarrigue (Mapie) says:

    Cher Raoul, si ton coq au vin est aussi réussi que ton manuscrit, voilà qui justifiera un vol Paris > San Francisco ! Félicitations.


  7. Christian says:

    Pourquoi ne pas faire la même chose : emblème sur les maillots de nos sportifs français avec les paroles de la Marseillaise. Il faut donc soumettre cette idée au ministre des Sports.


  8. raoulpat says:

    Thanks for your comments and suggestions. Your food for thought will keep me busy for at least a month …
    Merci pour vos commentaires et suggestions. Elles m’occuperont pendant au moins un mois …


  9. Sophie says:

    Magnifique !!!


  10. Kelly K says:

    You had me at “night before marinate the cock!” LOL Love your calligraphy and the recipe sounds awesome too Hugs and kisses Kelly 🙂


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